heptapod.host is hosted on Clever Cloud.
You will need a Clever Cloud account and a
Clever Cloud organization.
Once that is done, you can login and put your projects in the
resulting Heptapod group.
These will also be used for billing.
This guide will guide you through the necessary steps.
Create a Clever Cloud account
To create your Clever Cloud account, go to https://api.clever-cloud.com/v2/sessions/signup

Most of the information you are asked is needed to comply with
They are also used later on to create your Heptapod user.
From there you will receive an email asking you to validate your account.

Create a Clever Cloud Organization
You will need an Heptapod group to create your projects in.
Heptapod groups are mapped to Clever Cloud Organizations.
Every Organization you have access to will have its
group on
In the Clever Cloud console click "Add an Organization" and fill the
Organization are the way users collaborate and share

The next step is to sign in to Heptapod, where you'll be a member of the group corresponding to the Organization
Login to heptapod.host
Now that you have a Clever Cloud account and Organization, go to
heptapod.host and click
"Login with Clever Cloud".
You will be redirected to the SSO page.
Use your Clever Cloud credentials.
You will be asked for permissions.
We use them to create Heptapod Groups based on Clever Cloud

You now have an account on heptapod.host, and there's a group waiting for you to create projects.
Invite Members
You probably use heptapod.host
to collaborate and need to invite
Every new member in a Clever Cloud organization will also
belong to the corresponding Group on Heptapod.
To add members, go to Clever Cloud's console, click the "Members" tab and start inviting coworkers.

You will find your consumption details in the Shared Software tab of your organization. Here is an example with an organization named "Loom", among several others: